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Dedicated to Emily Ann on her first birthday in heaven

Emily Ann, Our July Angel Above
Today you are turning one
Above so high in the heavenly sky
We still have that question why oh, why
Emily Ann, you are so loved

Today we celebrate your life and our love for you
We are not exactly sure what to do
Should we be happy
Or should we be expressing our sorrow
Today as we release your birthday balloons
And they fly past the sun, clouds and moon
We hope they don't explode to soon
And when the balloons reach your angelic hand
We are hoping that one day we might understand

For as a whole year has pass
We will make sure this day will last
We will look towards the sun
And the heavens knowing that you are our special one

Emily Ann, you are so greatly missed

Our precious baby girl
Hearing the terrible news that you were going to die
Not even getting a chance to know you made us cry
Those six short days you graced your lovely presence
Along the side of your Mommy
How will it ever all make sense

Beautiful, blonde hair July Angel, Emily Ann
As this day will always be in our hearts and minds
This is the day you are one in the heavenly sky
So spread your white wings and fly
May our little one
Enjoy her first birthday.

Happy First Birthday Emily

In loving memory, Emily Ann 7/11/01 ~ 7/17/01
(24 weeker) Our July Angel

Loved and missed from her family
Written by Nikki (2002)

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.